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fiendish lizard with game development passive

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@thewaether turning the knob that says black pepper and smiling to myself

me after clicking download on the glad webpage the fourth time in an hour: perhaps I should try GLEW

Spent a couple hours updating our zig branch from 0.8 to 0.13, still better than dealing with CMake

@vertigo it is incredible to me that they documented things they clearly didn't want people messing with, the butterfly effect of that simple act is enormous

@vertigo haha I really needed this ego boost today thank you.

I definitely remember staring at BSP code and comparing it to OpenGL examples for hours, trying different things, but I also remember how So So Close it was, and that first model, when rotated, was inexplicably consistent

I think you created half of an exploded geometry part view shader with that transposition. In fact, now I'm like, it would be cool to lerp to the transposition when the HECTOR explodes!

croc boosted

Left: August 6, 2018
Right: August 8, 2018 somehow found and fixed a matrix multiplication error (I transposed two subscripts), ending my weeks-long suffering, and instantly fixing BSP rendering. It was a four character change, but seeing actual Avara BSPs rendered completely reinvigorated the port. We also introduced a new JSON format for BSPs, so we could stop reading them out of resource forks.

Hi, I'm croc, I've worked in (mostly web) software for a long time, stemming from an interest in computers sparked by the Apple Macintosh as a young lad

I love working on video games! I contribute to the open source port of Avara, and I have made minor contributions to Antares and various Escape Velocity community projects

I will be posting stories about porting Avara here, possibly some general development frustrations, probably the occasional music video.