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fiendish lizard with game development passive

6 Posts Posts & Replies 32 Following 5 Followers Search

me after clicking download on the glad webpage the fourth time in an hour: perhaps I should try GLEW

Spent a couple hours updating our zig branch from 0.8 to 0.13, still better than dealing with CMake

croc boosted

Left: August 6, 2018
Right: August 8, 2018 somehow found and fixed a matrix multiplication error (I transposed two subscripts), ending my weeks-long suffering, and instantly fixing BSP rendering. It was a four character change, but seeing actual Avara BSPs rendered completely reinvigorated the port. We also introduced a new JSON format for BSPs, so we could stop reading them out of resource forks.

Hi, I'm croc, I've worked in (mostly web) software for a long time, stemming from an interest in computers sparked by the Apple Macintosh as a young lad

I love working on video games! I contribute to the open source port of Avara, and I have made minor contributions to Antares and various Escape Velocity community projects

I will be posting stories about porting Avara here, possibly some general development frustrations, probably the occasional music video.